We are happy to inform you about the publication of the report of the Variability in the Oxycline and its ImpaCts on the Ecosystem (VOICE) Science Plan Workshop which took place on 13-15 September 2017 in Monterey, CA, USA, and hosted by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). The workshop was a three-day event, held in conjunction with the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (GO2NE) third annual meeting (11-13 September 2017). The workshop was attended by 22 scientists from around the globe, and was the first opportunity to establish communication and initiate coordination of efforts leading to the implementation of the VOICE project, which is an outcome of the Implementation of Multi-disciplinary Sustained Ocean Observations (IMSOO) workshop in February 2017. The workshop was generously sponsored by GOOS, IOCCP, NOAA and SOLAS, and its organisation was facilitated by the IOCCP Office.
VOICE will assess the current readiness level of the observing requirements, existing observing capabilities and availability of data products to deliver information on the variability in the oxycline and its impacts on the ecosystem in selected OMZ regions around the globe: the Humboldt Current System, West Africa (Canary and Benguela Current Systems), Northern Indian Ocean, and the California Current System. The VOICE Science Plan Workshop provided an excellent and in depth summary of the regional requirements, observing capability, data and information product management to form a basis for comprehensive observing system readiness level assessment in accordance with the Framework for Ocean Observing guidelines.
You can access the workshop report as PDF from this site: