Following is a list of various resources related to dissolved oxygen observations. These include links to webinars, presentations, special reports and outreach publications, as well as a list of selected review and high impact research papers. Please contact the IOCCP Office if you have any comments, questions or suggestions for additional resources useful to the community.
V. Garçon. Declining oxygen in the open and coastal ocean. IOC Anton Bruun Memorial Lecture. June 2017.
M. Grégoire. GO2NE: Deoxygenation in the global and coastal ocean: challenges of observing and modelling low oxygen zones. GOOS Webinar Series. June 2018.
Talks from the Swedish Academy of Sciences Symposium on The Expansion of Low Oxygen Zones in the Global Ocean and Coastal Waters (February 2019):
D. Breitburg with introduction by D. Conley & R. Almstrand. The Ocean is losing its breath - an overview of the problem, its effects, and solutions.
A. Oschlies. Patterns of deoxygenation in the global oceans.
B. Ward. Microbial communities and biogeochemical cycles in oxygen minimum zones |
NEW!!! Laffoley, D., Baxter, J.M. (2019). Ocean Deoxygenation: Everyone's Problem. IUCN Report, pp. 562.
Participants of the international conference “Ocean Deoxygenation: Drivers and Consequences – Past – Present – Future”, 2018. Kiel Declaration on Ocean Deoxygenation: The Ocean is Losing its Breath.
Paulmier A., 2017. Oxygen and the ocean. In: The Ocean revealed. Paris: CNRS Edition, 2017. p. 64-65.
Garçon et al., 2019, Oxygen. In Volume 1 Marine Biogeochemistry, Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, 3rd Edition, Eds. in chiefs J. Kirk Cochran, Henry Bokuniewicz, Patricia Yager, Academic Press, pp 168-173, Book ISBN: 9780128130810, and eBook ISBN: 9780128130827
Breitburg, D., Grégoire, M. and Isensee, K. (eds.). Global Ocean Oxygen Network 2018. The ocean is losing its breath: Declining oxygen in the world's ocean and coastal waters. IOC-UNESCO, IOC Technical Series, No. 137 40pp.
Isensee et al., 2015. The Ocean is Losing its Breath. In: Ocean and Climate, Scientific Notes. p.25-30.
Bopp, L. et al., 2013, Bopp L, Resplandy L, Orr JC, Doney SC, Dunne JP, et al. 2013. Multiple stressors of ocean ecosystems in the 21st century: projections with CMIP5 models, Biogeosciences, 10, 6225-6245,
Breitburg DL, Hondorp DW, Davias LA, and Diaz RJ. 2009. Hypoxia, nitrogen, and fisheries: integrating effects across local and global landscapes. Annual review of Marine Sciences, 1:329–49,
Breitburg, D. et al., 2018. Declining oxygen in the global ocean and coastal waters, Science, 359,
Carstensen J., Andersen JH., Gustafsson BG, and Conley DJ, 2014, Deoxygenation of the Baltic Sea during the last century, PNAS,111, 5628-33,
Fennel, K., and Testa J.M., 2019. Biogeochemical controls on Coastal hypoxia, Annual review of Marine Sciences, 11: 4.1-4.26.
Gallo ND, and Levin LA. 2016. Fish ecology and evolution in the world’s oxygen minimum zones and implications of ocean deoxygenation. In: Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 74, ed. BE Curry, pp. 117–98, San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press Inc.,
Garçon V, Karstensen J, Palacz A, Telszewski M, Aparco Lara T, Breitburg D, Chavez F, Coelho P, Cornejo-D’Ottone M, Santos C, Fiedler B, Gallo ND, Grégoire M, Gutierrez D, Hernandez-Ayon M, Isensee K, Koslow T, Levin L, Marsac F, Maske H, Mbaye BC, Montes I, Naqvi W, Pearlman J, Pinto E, Pitcher G, Pizarro O, Rose K, Shenoy D, Van der Plas A, Vito MR and Weng K (2019) Multidisciplinary Observing in the World Ocean’s Oxygen Minimum Zone Regions: From Climate to Fish — The VOICE Initiative. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:722.
Gilly WF, Beman JM, Litvin SY, and BH. 2013. Oceanographic and biological effects of shoaling of the oxygen minimum zone. Annual review of Marine Sciences, 5:393–420,
Helly, J.J., and Levin L.A., 2004. Global distribution of naturally occurring marine hypoxia on continental margins, Deep Sea Research Part I, 51, 1159-1168,
Keeling RF, Kortzinger A, and Gruber N., 2010. Ocean deoxygenation in a warming world, Annual review of Marine Sciences, 2:199–229,
Isensee ,K., Levin, L., Breitburg, D., Grégoire, M., Garçon, V., and Valdes L., 2017. The ocean is out of breath,,
Laffoley, D., J. M. Baxter, J.M., Eds., 2018. Ocean Deoxygenation – Everyone's Problem: Causes, Impacts, Consequences and Solutions (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland),
Levin, L., 2018. Manifestation, drivers, and emergence of open ocean deoxygenation, Annual review of Marine Sciences, 10:17.1-17.32,
Rabalais N., Turner R., and Wiseman, 2002. Gulf of Mexico hypoxia, A.K.A. “the dead zone”, Annual Rev. Ecol. Syst., 33, 235-63,
Paulmier, A., and Ruiz-Pino, D., 2009. Oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) in the modern ocean, Progress In Oceanography, 80 (3-4), 113-128,
Shepherd J, Brewer P, Oschlies A, and Watson A (Eds.), 2017. Discussion meeting issue “Ocean ventilation and deoxygenation in a warming world”, Series of articles in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 375 (2102),
Altieri A.H. et al., 2017. Tropical dead zones and mass mortalities on coral reefs, PNAS, 114, 3660-3665,
Bettencourt J., López, C.,Hernández-García, E., Montes, I. , Sudre J., Dewitte B., Paulmier, A., and Garçon, V., 2015. Boundaries of the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone shaped by coherent mesoscale dynamics, Nature Geoscience, 8, 937–940,
Bianchi D, Galbraith ED, Carozza DA, Mislan AS, and Stock CA. 2013. Intensification of open-ocean oxygen depletion by vertically migrating animals, Nature Geoscience, 6:545–48,
Bograd SJ, Castro CG, Di Lorenzo E, Palacios DM, Bailey H, et al. 2008. Oxygen declines and the shoaling of the hypoxic boundary in the California Current. Geophysical Research Letters, 35:L12607,
Bristow LA, Dalsgaard T, Tiano L, Mills DB, Bertagnolli AD, et al. 2016. Ammonium and nitrite oxidation at nanomolar oxygen concentrations in oxygen minimum zone waters. PNAS 113:10601–6,
Deutsch C, Berelson W, Thunell R, Weber T, Tems C, et al. 2014. Centennial changes in North Pacific anoxia linked to tropical trade winds. Science 345:665–68,
Deutsch C, Brix H, Ito T, Frenzel H, and Thompson L. 2011. Climate-forced variability of ocean hypoxia. Science, 333:336–39
Deutsch C, Ferrel A, Seibel B, Portner H-O, and Huey RB. 2015. Climate change tightens a metabolic constraint on marine habitats. Science, 348:1132–35
Diaz RJ, and Rosenberg R. 2008. Spreading dead zones and consequences for marine ecosystems. Science 321:926–29
Garcia-Robledo E. et al, 2017, PNAS, 114, 31, 8319–8324
Gruber N. 2011. Warming up, turning sour, losing breath: ocean biogeochemistry under global change, Philos.Trans. R. Soc. A, 369:1980–86
Ito T, Nenes A, Johnson MS, Meskhidze N, and Deutsch C. 2016. Acceleration of oxygen decline in the tropical Pacific over the past decades by aerosol pollutants, Nature Geoscience , 9:443–47
Keeling RF, and Garcia HE. 2002. The change in oceanic O2 inventory associated with recent global warming. PNAS, 99:7848–53
Levin LA, and Breitburg D. 2015. Connecting coasts and seas to address ocean deoxygenation. Nature Climate Change, 5:401–3
Schaffer G, Olsen SM, and Pedersen JOP. 2009. Long-term ocean oxygen depletion in response to carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, Nature Geoscience, 2:105–9
Scholz F., McManus J., Mix A.C., Hensen, C., and Schneider R. R., 2014, The impact of ocean deoxygenation on iron release from continental margin sediments, Nature Geoscience, 7, 433-437.
Schmidtko, S. et al., 2017, Nature, 542, 335-339
Stramma L, Johnson GC, Sprintall J, and Mohrholz V. 2008. Expanding oxygen minimum zones in the tropical oceans, Science, 320:655–58
Stramma L, Prince ED, Schmidtko S, Luo J, Hoolihan JP, et al. 2011. Expansion of oxygen minimum zones may reduce available habitat for tropical pelagic fishes, Nature Climate Change, 2:33–37
Vaquer-Sunyer R, and Duarte C. 2008. Thresholds of hypoxia for marine biodiversity. PNAS 105:15452–57
Watson AJ. 2016. Oceans on the edge of anoxia, Science, 354:1529–30
Wright J. J., Konwar K.M. and Hallam S.J., 2012, Microbial ecology of expanding oxygen minimum zones, Nature Review Microbiology, 10, 381-394.