This site (under construction) will provide a list of various resources providing information on research, training or technical support with respect to better integration of ocean observations in marine biogeochemistry models, or use of models to inform observing system design. Please contact the IOCCP Office if you have suggestions for content.
2019 IOCCP & BONUS INTEGRAL Sensors Training Course: Combining remote sensing and in situ biogeochemical observations - lecture by Giorgio Dall'Olmo (PML, UK) PDF + video lecture available from HERE
Modeling for best observation design - lecture by Véronique Garçon (LEGOS, France) PDF + video lecture available from HERE
"Smart" data extrapolation - lecture and practical by Peter Landschützer (MPI, Germany) PDF + video lecture available from HERE
From surface measurements to ocean-atmosphere fluxes - lecture by Jamie Shutler (Uni Exeter, UK), practicals by Tom Holding and Ian Ashton (Uni Exeter, UK) PDF + video lecture + FluxEngine materials available from HERE
GODAE OceanView International Summer School 2017
The FluxEngine air–sea gas flux toolbox Holding, Ashton, Shutler et al. (2019);
ESMValTool - community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP
(in progress)
(in progress) |