We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming webinar on ocean deoxygenation organized by the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE). The 22nd webinar will take place on 13 September 2023, at 17:00 CEST. The webinar will feature presentations by a more senior and an early-career scientist, 20 minutes each followed by 10-minute moderated discussion sessions. Please register for the webinar here.
- Lisa Levin
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, USA
- Natalya Gallo
University of Bergen and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Norway
"Trophic impacts of ocean deoxygenation: Disruption of bentho-pelagic coupling in oxygen minimum zone regions" - Anne Gro Vea Salvanes
University of Bergen, Norway
"The bearded goby (Sufflogobius bibarbatus): a hypoxia-tolerant little fish member of the Namibian Benguela Ecosystem"
If you want to receive further information about upcoming webinars please register here.