We are pleased to inform you about the WMO-hosted workshop on “Observations within the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch", to be held at WMO Headquarters in Geneva on 3-5 October 2023. In our continuous effort to help our community strengthen the integration of the ocean carbon observing system as part of the global, cross-domain greenhouse gas monitoring, we would like to invite you to consider submitting an abstract and attending the workshop. Please note that the abstract submission and registration are already open and will close on 15 August 2023. More details about the topics to be discussed as well as the abstract submission form can be accessed from a dedicated Workshop website.
Earlier this year, our community contributed significantly to the WMO International Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Symposium, where almost 200 participants discussed the need for and the means to integration of existing, often independently developed greenhouse gas observing systems across domains. Stakeholders representing all aspects of the value chain including infrastructure, legal landscape, data management and assimilation, modelling and forecasting centers as well as information delivery for a variety of regional and global applications, developed a Symposium Statement, which influenced a landmark decision by the World Meteorological Congress (May 2023) to approve new Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (GGGW), which will fill critical information gaps and provide an operational framework, integrated across all space-based and surface-based observing systems, as well as modelling and data assimilation capabilities.
A detailed and costed implementation plan for the GGGW is being developed and the workshop in October aims to develop guidance for such a plan. The expected outcomes of the workshop are recommendations regarding the structure of the integrated observing system (including the design, measurement techniques, data exchange and several others) in support of GGGW, gap analysis of the existing capabilities and recommendations on the ways to leverage those, and prioritization the actions for implementation.
As was the case with the initial Symposium held in January 2023, IOCCP will try to coordinate our community’s input in order to assure efficient interventions during the workshop. If you plan to submit an abstract and/or attend the Workshop, please let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will create an email discussion group and arrange for a dedicated Zoom call in late July.