We would like to let you know about two webinars which are due to take place next week: on ocean acidification organized by the Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON), and on deoxygenation organized by the Global Ocean Oxygen NEtwork (IOC Expert Working Group GO2NE).
The 15th GO2NE webinar will be held on August 23, 23:00 CEST. The webinar will be moderated by Jodie Rummer (James Cook University, Australia) and will include a presentation on "Coral reef hypoxia: Present-day exposure and projections under warming" by Ariel Pezner (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, USA) and on "Unlocking the vulnerability of reef-forming corals to deoxygenation" by David Suggett (University of Technology Sydney, Australia). You can register for the webinar HERE.
The GOA-ON webinar on "Ocean Acidification Monitoring and Scientific Research in the PI-TOA Region" will take place on August 25, 11:00 AM Fiji. The webinar will be moderated by IOCCP Co-Chair Kim Currie with presentations by Dr Antoine De Ramon N’Yeurt, Associate Professor Patila Amosa and Ms Luia Taise. The three speakers will span topics such as establishing a pH time-series on the Suva reef, the effects of ocean acidification on organismal calcification such as corals and bryozoans, and the impacts on the photosynthetic physiology of a green seaweed. These research topics are important in understanding the impact of ocean acidification on coastal ecosystems of the Pacific. You can register for the webinar HERE.