IOCCP is heavily engaged in shaping the community vision and recommendations for sustained marine biogeochemistry and integrated ocean observations for the next decade. With the OceanObs'19 Conference just around the corner, we encourage you to take a look at a number of Community White Papers already published in the special issue of Frontiers in Marine Science. There you can read about the proposed future ocean governance models, lessons learnt from implementing the Framework for Ocean Observing, but also about challenges and recommendations from the GOA-ON, SOCONET, ARGO networks or the time series community. Please see below for a list of full references to these papers. The list will be updated as new relevant white papers get published.
Please cite the white papers as below. You can access them online by following the DOI links.
Tilbrook B, Jewett EB, DeGrandpre MD, Hernandez-Ayon JM, Feely RA, Gledhill DK, Hansson L, Isensee K, Kurz ML, Newton JA, Siedlecki SA, Chai F, Dupont S, Graco M, Calvo E, Greeley D, Kapsenberg L, Lebrec M, Pelejero C, Schoo KL and Telszewski M (2019) An Enhanced Ocean Acidification Observing Network: From People to Technology to Data Synthesis and Information Exchange. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:337. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00337
Wanninkhof R, Pickers PA, Omar AM, Sutton A, Murata A, Olsen A, Stephens BB, Tilbrook B, Munro D, Pierrot D, Rehder G, Santana-Casiano JM, Müller JD, Trinanes J, Tedesco K, O’Brien K, Currie K, Barbero L, Telszewski M, Hoppema M, Ishii M, González-Dávila M, Bates NR, Metzl N, Suntharalingam P, Feely RA, Nakaoka S-i, Lauvset SK, Takahashi T, Steinhoff T and Schuster U (2019) A Surface Ocean CO2 Reference Network, SOCONET and Associated Marine Boundary Layer CO2 Measurements. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:400. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00400
Steinhoff T, Gkritzalis T, Lauvset SK, Jones S, Schuster U, Olsen A, Becker M, Bozzano R, Brunetti F, Cantoni C, Cardin V, Diverrès D, Fiedler B, Fransson A, Giani M, Hartman S, Hoppema M, Jeansson E, Johannessen T, Kitidis V, Körtzinger A, Landa C, Lefèvre N, Luchetta A, Naudts L, Nightingale PD, Omar AM, Pensieri S, Pfeil B, Castaño-Primo R, Rehder G, Rutgersson A, Sanders R, Schewe I, Siena G, Skjelvan I, Soltwedel T, van Heuven S and Watson A (2019) Constraining the Oceanic Uptake and Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases by Building an Ocean Network of Certified Stations: The Ocean Component of the Integrated Carbon Observation System, ICOS-Oceans. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:544. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00544
Roemmich D, Alford MH, Claustre H, Johnson K, King B, Moum J, Oke P, Owens WB, Pouliquen S, Purkey S, Scanderbeg M, Suga T, Wijffels S, Zilberman N, Bakker D, Baringer M, Belbeoch M, Bittig HC, Boss E, Calil P, Carse F, Carval T, Chai F, Conchubhair DÓ, d’Ortenzio F, Dall’Olmo G, Desbruyeres D, Fennel K, Fer I, Ferrari R, Forget G, Freeland H, Fujiki T, Gehlen M, Greenan B, Hallberg R, Hibiya T, Hosoda S, Jayne S, Jochum M, Johnson GC, Kang K, Kolodziejczyk N, Körtzinger A, Le Traon P-Y, Lenn Y-D, Maze G, Mork KA, Morris T, Nagai T, Nash J, Naveira Garabato A, Olsen A, Pattabhi RR, Prakash S, Riser S, Schmechtig C, Schmid C, Shroyer E, Sterl A, Sutton P, Talley L, Tanhua T, Thierry V, Thomalla S, Toole J, Troisi A, Trull TW, Turton J, Velez-Belchi PJ, Walczowski W, Wang H, Wanninkhof R, Waterhouse AF, Waterman S, Watson A, Wilson C, Wong APS, Xu J and Yasuda I (2019) On the Future of Argo: A Global, Full-Depth, Multi-Disciplinary Array. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:439. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00439
Benway HM, Lorenzoni L, White AE, Fiedler B, Levine NM, Nicholson DP, DeGrandpre MD, Sosik HM, Church MJ, O’Brien TD, Leinen M, Weller RA, Karl DM, Henson SA and Letelier RM (2019) Ocean Time Series Observations of Changing Marine Ecosystems: An Era of Integration, Synthesis, and Societal Applications. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:393. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00393
Bange, H. W., Arévalo-Martínez, D. L., de la Paz, M., Farías, L., Kaiser, J., Kock, A., Law, C. S., Rees, A. P., Rehder, G., Tortell, P. D., Upstill-Goddard, R. C., and Wilson, S. T.: A harmonized nitrous oxide (N2O) ocean observation network for the 21st century, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 2019; doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00157
Garçon V, Karstensen J, Palacz A, Telszewski M, Aparco Lara T, Breitburg D, Chavez F, Coelho P, Cornejo-D’Ottone M, Santos C, Fiedler B, Gallo ND, Grégoire M, Gutierrez D, Hernandez-Ayon M, Isensee K, Koslow T, Levin L, Marsac F, Maske H, Mbaye BC, Montes I, Naqvi W, Pearlman J, Pinto E, Pitcher G, Pizarro O, Rose K, Shenoy D, Van der Plas A, Vito MR and Weng K (2019) Multidisciplinary Observing in the World Ocean’s Oxygen Minimum Zone Regions: From Climate to Fish — The VOICE Initiative. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:722. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00722
Pearlman J, Bushnell M, Coppola L, Karstensen J, Buttigieg PL, Pearlman F, Simpson P, Barbier M, Muller-Karger FE, Munoz-Mas C, Pissierssens P, Chandler C, Hermes J, Heslop E, Jenkyns R, Achterberg EP, Bensi M, Bittig HC, Blandin J, Bosch J, Bourles B, Bozzano R, Buck JJH, Burger EF, Cano D, Cardin V, Llorens MC, Cianca A, Chen H, Cusack C, Delory E, Garello R, Giovanetti G, Harscoat V, Hartman S, Heitsenrether R, Jirka S, Lara-Lopez A, Lantéri N, Leadbetter A, Manzella G, Maso J, McCurdy A, Moussat E, Ntoumas M, Pensieri S, Petihakis G, Pinardi N, Pouliquen S, Przeslawski R, Roden NP, Silke J, Tamburri MN, Tang H, Tanhua T, Telszewski M, Testor P, Thomas J, Waldmann C and Whoriskey F (2019) Evolving and Sustaining Ocean Best Practices and Standards for the Next Decade. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:277. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00277
Tanhua T, McCurdy A, Fischer A, Appeltans W, Bax N, Currie K, DeYoung B, Dunn D, Heslop E, Glover LK, Gunn J, Hill K, Ishii M, Legler D, Lindstrom E, Miloslavich P, Moltmann T, Nolan G, Palacz A, Simmons S, Sloyan B, Smith LM, Smith N, Telszewski M, Visbeck M and Wilkin J (2019) What We Have Learned From the Framework for Ocean Observing: Evolution of the Global Ocean Observing System. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:471. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00471.
Sloyan BM, Wanninkhof R, Kramp M, Johnson GC, Talley LD, Tanhua T, McDonagh E, Cusack C, O’Rourke E, McGovern E, Katsumata K, Diggs S, Hummon J, Ishii M, Azetsu-Scott K, Boss E, Ansorge I, Perez FF, Mercier H, Williams MJM, Anderson L, Lee JH, Murata A, Kouketsu S, Jeansson E, Hoppema M and Campos E (2019) The Global Ocean Ship-Based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP): A Platform for Integrated Multidisciplinary Ocean Science. Front. Mar. Sci. 6:445 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00445.