We are very happy to inform you that the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (GO2NE) formed by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO) will hold an international Summer School from September 2 to 8, 2019, on Xiamen University's Xiang'an Campus in China, hosted by the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science. IOCCP is one of the co-sponsors of the event, and IOCCP SSG member Véronique Garçon is part of the Scientific and the Organising Committee.
The IOC-GO2NE SS2019 will bring together 40 PhD students and early career scientists and 16 world-leading international scientists. It aims to connect young researchers with leading scientists from the academic and SMEs world working on oxygen not only in a theoretical framework, but also through practical sessions on laboratory experiments, field work, modelling and special sessions on communication, ethics, and engagement with stakeholder. The IOC-GO2NE SS2019 thus will provide to a generation of young scientists the crucible for designing innovative approaches to achieve the societal transition towards the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations for the next decade. To find more information on the program, organisation and logistics, please see the course website at: http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/summerschool/go2ne/index.asp.
Application closes on 15 November 2018. You can submit your online applications by following this link: http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/summerschool/go2ne/applicationform.asp