We would like to let you know that applications are now open to attend a community workshop on "Synthesis and intercomparison of ocean carbon uptake in CMIP6 models." The workshop organized by US Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry (OCB) will be held December 8-9, 2018 in Washington, DC, USA, just before the Fall 2018 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting. Climate and Earth System Modeling Centers around the world are currently preparing their state of the art models to participate in the 6th phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP), which will inform the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment. Each center is planning to perform ocean carbon experiments in the boreal spring/summer/fall 2018 time frame. This activity will complement existing coordination of European modeling centers by building lines of communication between the US observational and analysis communities and the various contributing modeling centers in the US (NASA/GISS, NCAR/CESM, and NOAA/GFDL), Canada (CCCMA), and Australia (CSIRO). The organizers plan on reserving ~20% for attendees to be in early career (PhD - tenure track) stage.
Deadline for submitting applications: 13 July 2018. To apply, follow the link HERE.
The objectives of this workshop are as follows:
- Summarize high profile CMIP5 Ocean Carbon Uptake analyses and challenges, as well as the planned suite of CMIP6 experiments
- Summarize new observational constraints, including GLODAPv2, SOCAT, SOCCOM, GO-SHIP, community observational synthesis efforts such as Obs4MIPs, ocean carbon inversions, and atmospheric observations of CO2 and oxygen
- Modeling center reports on model formulation and preliminary analysis of simulated regional and global patterns in heat/carbon/tracer uptake in CMIP6 experiments
- Discuss mechanisms of heat/carbon/tracer uptake differences across models and observations towards linking physical and biogeochemical drivers and their impact
- Discuss tools and techniques that can lower barriers to analysis
For more information on the meeting motivation and planned outcomes please see the activity proposal.
Figure modified from C. D. Jones et al. (2016) The Coupled Climate–Carbon Cycle Model Intercomparison Project Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 2853–2880
Workshop Travel Support
We have a very limited amount of money for travel support that will be prioritized based on need and expected contributions to and benefits from the workshop. If you would like to be considered, please detail your support needs on your application.
Key dates
July 13, 2018 - Application deadline
July 31, 2018 - Decisions announced
December 8-9, 2018 - Meeting dates (Washington, DC)