We would like to draw your attention to the fast approaching abstract submission deadline for the "Ocean Deoxygenation Conference" that will take place in Kiel, Germany, on 3-7 September 2018 (https://conference.sfb754.de/event/1/). The conference will be hosted by the Collaborative Research Center 754 "Climate-Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean". The conference will bring together the global scientific community working on Ocean Deoxygenation and aims to identify drivers and consequences of ocean deoxygenation in the past, present and future.
Abstract submission is open and will close on 31 March 2018. Registration closes on 31 July 2018.
The distribution of oxygen in the ocean is controlled by physical, biogeochemical and biological processes. Both the supply and consumption of oxygen are sensitive to climate change in ways that are not fully understood. Recent observations suggest that the oxygen content of the ocean is declining (ocean deoxygenation) and that oxygen minimum zones and coastal hypoxia sites are expanding with tremendous effects on the ocean's ecosystems and living organisms.
Conference sessions will cover the following topics:
- Prediction and Monitoring
- Ecosystems Impacts
- Ventilation and Oxygen Supply
- Microbial Communities and their Impact on Biogeochemical Cycles in Oxygen Minimum Zones
- Major Upwelling Systems
- Physiological Effects of Oxygen and Interactions with Multiple Stressors
- Impacts on Fisheries / Socioeconomics
- Coastal Systems: From Understanding to Management
- Ocean Deoxygenation - how the Past can Inform the Future
- Biogeochemical Cycles: Feedbacks and Interactions
You will find further details about the program here:
Check out the conference website at https://conference.sfb754.de/event/1/ for further information about keynote speakers, travel grants, early career scientist events, etc.
Please share this information with anyone that might be interested in the conference.