Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO) is pleased to announce that with support from the Nippon Foundation (NF) and in partnership with the University of Liverpool, University of Southampton and Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), it is offering a NF-POGO Visiting Fellowship for training on-board the GEOTRACES North Atlantic "FRidge" cruise in 2017-18. The programme is open to scientists, technicians, postgraduate students (PhD/MSc) and post-doctoral fellows involved in oceanographic work at centres in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Priority is given to early-career scientists.
The application deadline is 31st May 2017.
The selected candidate will have the opportunity to visit the University of Liverpool and PML in the United Kingdom, for one month prior to the start of the cruise to participate in analytical training, cruise preparation and planning, and to sail on the cruise on 20th December 2017 (departing from Southampton) and ending on 1st February 2018 in Guadeloupe. Following the cruise, they will spend approximately one additional month at PML, learning to quality control and analyse the results statistically, and interpret them in the context of the cruise scientific aims. The fellow will make biogeochemical observations concerned with dissolved oxygen and nutrients.
What is covered?
- Travel from home country to UK, and from PML to join and return from the ship
- Monthly stipend for the time spent onshore for training
- Accommodation for joining and leaving ship
- Seafaring medical and sea survival course
What is NOT covered?
- Domestic travel in home country
- Visa costs and insurance
- Salary
What is needed to apply?
- Letter of recommendation from parent supervisor
- Letter of recommendation from additional referee
Please see the attached flyer for further details, or visit