We would like to inform you that MARIANDA prepares a training workshop for alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) measurements in sea water. The workshop will be held on April 25-29, 2016 in Kiel, Germany. The planning of the workshop is in its initial stage and we appreciate any feedback and suggestions.
PURPOSE: Practical training, troubleshooting and knowledge exchange for scientists, students, and technicians involved in DIC and/or alkalinity measurements. We hope to bring together beginners and experts to exchange experience and identify (and solve) general problems.
ORGANISATION: The workshop shall focus on hands-on training, reducing theory to a minimum. We plan for 12 participants, and hope to have 4-6 instruments available for practical training (alkalinity by potentiometric titration, DIC by coulometry and Infrared (IR) detection).
COSTS: We will ask for a moderate fee to cover local costs for the organisation. All participants will have to cover their individual travel costs, while we will assist in making local reservations.
HOTEL: We can help in booking accommodation. A hotel located next to the lab would be Hotel am Segelhafen (http://www.am-segelhafen-hotel.com/en/). A special price for a group booking is a possibility.
FEEDBACK: If you are interested to participate or would like to send someone from your group, please let us know. Since number of participants is limited, we would like to reduce the number of participants from the same organisation to two. We also welcome any feedback and suggestions for the workshop.
To receive further information about the workshop and registration please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and/or periodically check the MARIANDA website for updates.