March 2018:
- A Word from the Editors
New IOCCP co-Chair: Kim Currie takes over from Toste Tanhua
Véronique Garçon joins IOCCP SSG as responsible for the new IOCCP Oxygen Theme
IOCCP SSG member profile: Kim Currie
Updates on ocean acidification
Surface Ocean CO2 Global Observing Network (SOCOGON)
Best practices for ocean observing systems
A user’s guide for selected autonomous biogeochemical sensors
New global datasets published
Upcoming Events
October 2017:
- A Word from the Editors
- SOCATv5 released at 10th SOCAT Anniversary
- IOCCP side event on data management
- SOLAS-IMBER-IOCCP-GCP-CLIVAR-WCRP meeting on future ocean carbon cycle research
- IOCCP SSG member profile: Doug Connelly
- Sensors and Instrumentation Roadmap produced by the EU AtlantOS project
- GOOS Biogeochemistry EOVs version 2.0 released
- Implementation of Multi-disciplinary Sustained Ocean Observations (IMSOO)
- IMSOO workshop and report
- IMSOO follow-up activities
- On the road to OceanObs’19
- Two major reports on the status of the ocean published
- The Global Ocean Science Report
- What are Marine Ecological Time Series telling us about the ocean? A status report
- NCEI OCADS website
- Upcoming Events
April 2017:
- A Word from the Editors
- XII Session of the IOCCP Scientific Steering Group
- New IOCCP SSG Terms of Reference!
- Co-chairmanship system introduced by IOCCP SSG
- New co-Chair of IOCCP SSG: Masao Ishii
- Update on CDIAC-Oceans
- Setting biogeochemical observing targets
- Technical Workshop on Carbonate System Measurements for members of LAOCA
- IOCCP encourages the use of Certified Reference Material for nutrients
- Upcoming Events
October 2016:
- A Word from the Editor
- Report from the IOCCP-JAMSTEC 2015 inter-laboratory calibration exercise for nutrients in seawater
- New IOCCP SSG member profile: Björn Fiedler
- Launch of ApHRICA: "OceAn pH Research Integration and Collaboration in Africa"
- The SenseOCEAN project successfully deploys a truly multi-parameter insitu sensor
- The Rationale, Design and Implementation Plan for Biogeochemical-Argo
- G7 support for enhancement of multidisciplinary sustained global ocean observing system
- Update on SOCAT activities
- SOCAT version 4 released!
- A new article highlights the wide scientific impact of SOCAT
- Upcoming Events
June 2016:
- A Word from the Editor
- 11th Session of the IOCCP Scientific Steering Group: meeting and report published
- Rotations in the IOCCP SSG
- New IOCCP SSG member profile: Cristian Vargas
- 4th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World and the 3rd GOA-ON Science Workshop
- IOCCP Position Paper on Global Ocean Biogeochemistry Data Management
- 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting
- Measurement of pCO2 on the Ship-Of-Opportunity Programme (SOOP-CO2) operations meeting
- Report of the 7th Session of the JCOMM Observations Coordination Group (OCG)
- GCOS Implementation Plan and GCOS Science Conference
- New carbon-relevant dataset products published
- Upcoming Events
February 2016:
A Word from the Editor
- Changes in the IOCCP Office
- IOCCP in the AtlantOS project
- AtlantOS WP1 Workshop in Copenhagen
- IOCCP and the GCOS Implementation Plan 2016
- GOA-ON Executive Meeting on Data Portal and Synthesis Products
- Launch of the Latin American Ocean Acidification Network (LAOCA)
- Release of the Global Ocean Data Analysis Product version 2 (GLODAPv2)
- Upcoming Events
January 2013:
A Word from the Editor
- Update on the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas
- Global Intercomparability in a Changing Ocean: An International Time-Series Methods Workshop
- The Global Ocean Data Analysis Product version 2
- The Global Carbon Budget 2012
- The Legacy of in situ Iron Enrichment Experiments: Creation of a Relational, Open-Access Database
- EPOCA, the first international project on ocean acidification came to an end
- Changes in the IOCCP Project Office
August 2011:
Public release of the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas planned for September 2011
- LDEO Database V2010 is now available at CDIAC
- Replacement of the EOS-80 definition of seawater properties with TEOS-10
- First National Meeting of U.S. Ocean Acidification Researchers
- The Mediterranean Sea in need of a GO-SHIP-like program
- Upcoming Meetings
May 2011:
The Kick-Off Meeting of the CARBOCHANGE Project
- The New Air-Sea CO2 Flux Dataset Published at CDIAC
- Ocean Carbon Observations As a Part of Inter-disciplinary Multi-platform Global Observing Network
- Scientists Offer Warning and Plan For Protecting Earth’s ‘Blue Carbon’
- The International Workshop on the Economics of Ocean Acidification
- The New Portal for Ocean Science Summer Schools
February 2011:
IOCCP Welcomes Maciej Telszewski as New Assistant Project Director
- A New Seawater Carbon Calculator for Windows, Mac, OS10 and iOS (iPhone)
- "Ocean Fertilization: A scientific Summary for Policy Makers" Published
- A New Guide "Ocean Acidification: questions answered" Published
- Three New Publications by the Global Carbon Project
- New Educational Booklet "Global Change: from research to the classroom" Available
- Launch of the New Journal Carbon Management
November 2010:
Updated Repeat Hydrography Manual Now Available On-line
- Special Issue of Oceanography Magazine "Celebrating 50 Years of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission"
- Matlab Toolbox to Perform Secondary Quality Control on Hydrographic Data Published at CDIAC
- Alliance for Coastal Technology Releases Demonstration Statements for pCO2 Analyzers
- REgional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes (RECAPP) meeting
- Fifth Session of the IOCCP Scientific Steering Group
August 2010:
The Ocean in a High-CO2 World Symposium 2012 international planning committee and venue selected
- Guide to Best Practices for Ocean Acidification Research and Data Reporting now available online
- LDEO Database Version 2009 now available from CDIAC
- Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Project Update
- Recent Workshops:
SOCAT Southern Ocean Regional Workshop, Hobart, Australia
PACIFICA Workshop, Tokyo, Japan
March 2010:
The Ocean in a High-CO2 World Symposium in 2012
- The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Project Regional Workshop Updates
- Equatorial Pacific and Indian Ocean SOCAT Workshop held in Tokyo, Japan
- Southern Ocean SOCAT Workshop to be held in Hobart, Australia
- GO-SHIP International Planning meeting held in Portland
- IOC-ICES Study Group on Nutrient Standards Meeting held in Paris
December 2009:
- Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Project Homepage Launched
- Release of the Global Surface pCO2 (LDEO) Database V2008
- Special Issue on the Future of Ocean Biogeochemistry in a High-CO2 World Published
- New CO2 Outreach Tool Developed
September 2009:
CARINA data publicly available at CDIAC
- The Guide to Best Practices for Ocean CO2 Meaurements released
- OceanObs'09 Conference, Venice, Italy
- From Panel to Program: The Evolution of GO-SHIP
- International Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC8), Jena, Germany
- Fourth Session of the IOCCP Scientific Steering Group
June 2009:
Open Review of "Best Practices in Ocean Acidification Research and Data Reporting
- Development of a new "US Carbon Cycle Plan"
- Ocean Carbon Community White Papers at OceanObs'09
- The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Project Update
February 2009:
The Monaco Declaration and Research Priorities Report Launched at ASLO
- IOCCP welcomes Kathy Tedesco as New Director
- Nutrients Standards: A Review and Summary of the 2009 INSS Workshop
- The Fundamentals of Carbon Biogeochemistry: A Training Workshop
- International Ocean pCO2 System Intercomparison Exercise Planned
- SOCAT Pacific Region Meeting Planned
November 2008:
The Ocean in a High CO2 World-II Meeting Summary and Follow-up
- Report of the 3rd Session of the IOCCP Scientific Steering Group
- Changing Times: Summary of the International Time Series Meeting
- Ocean Acidification Best Practices Meeting Update
- SCOR General Meeting Approves Carbon Working Groups
- Carbon at OceanObs09
- London Convention Adopts Resolution on Ocean Fertilization
August 2008:
Workshop on Best Practices for Ocean Acidification Research Planned
- Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) Project - 2nd Technical Meeting
- The Carbon in the North Atlantic (CARINA) Project Holds its Final Meeting
- Launch of the EU COordination action Carbon Observing System (COCOS)
- Three UN organizations tackle Ocean Fertilization
- Volunteer translators sought for the Best Practices Guide
- The IOCCP Seeks New Director for 2009
May 2008:
Introducing the IOCCP Scientific Steering Group for 2008-2010
- The LDEO Takahashi Data Base is Published at CDIAC
- CDIAC Launches a Coastal Carbon Data and Information Web-site
- Report from OceanSensors'08 and Launch of the Ocean Carbon Sensor Directory
- The IOC Establishes an Ad Hoc Consultative Group on Ocean Fertilization
- Overview of the UK Carbon-Ops Program
- The Ocean in a High CO2 World-II: Abstract Deadline 31 May
- Upcoming Meetings: May – August 2008
February 2008:
Guide to Best Practices for Ocean CO2 Measurements Published
- WOCE Hydrography Manual to be Updated
- The Ocean in a High CO2 World-II: Registration opens 29 February
- OceanSensors 08 / Early Registration Ends 15 February
OceanObs 09: Ocean Information for Society: Sustaining the Benefits, Realizing the Potential
November 2007:
Ocean Carbon in the Southern Ocean Observing System
- The Surface Ocean CO2 Global Dataset and Atlas Project Update
- Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Panel (GO-SHIP)
- Seacarb Program Revised
- Symposium Announcement: Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans
- The First “State of the Carbon Cycle Report” Released
August 2007:
The Ocean Acidification Network is Launched by SCOR, IOC-UNESCO, IAEA- MEL, and IGBP
- The IOCCP Web-Site is Renovated
- The Ocean in a High CO2 World – II: First Announcement
- The Surface Ocean CO2 Variability and Vulnerability Workshop Report is Published
- Atlantic Ocean Carbon Synthesis Group Homepage Launched
- Summary of the Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Summer Workshop
- Input Solicited for OceanSensors'08 Conference
May 2007:
Surface Ocean CO2 Variability and Vulnerabilities Workshop Report
- IOCCP Scientific Steering Group second session report
- SOLAS/IMBER Carbon group meeting report
- Update on the Argo-Oxygen Programme
- IOCCP carbon observations tables and maps updated
Data set release: Climatology of Global Surface Ocean Alkalinity
- Meeting report: GlobCOLOUR First User Consultation meeting
- New CCHDO Website
- Dick Feely elected AGU fellow
November 2006:
Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean” Kiel and Leibniz Institutes
- Potential for use of the Swedish icebreaker Oden for Southern Ocean research
- Excel macro developed to calculate CO2 system parameters
- UNESCO-SCOPE Policy brief on the Global Carbon Cycle published
- Systematic Observation Requirements for Satellite-based Products for Climate
August 2006:
Report summary from the Initial North Atlantic Synthesis meeting, Iceland
- Map of carbon time series sites now available
- Report from the OCCC Ocean Carbon Workshop, July 10-13 Woods Hole
- Ocean carbon and the International Polar Year web site
- Report release: 'Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs and Other Marine Calcifiers'
May 2006:
WAVES (Web-Accessible Vizualization and Extraction System) website launched
- Ocean carbon scientists in the news - P16N shows increased acidification
- Two projects on the optimisation of observation networks to deduce ocean CO2 fluxes
- New time series web page on the IOCCP site
- Ocean Carbon and the International Polar Year
Report from the International Repeat Hydrography and Carbon Workshop
- "Friends of Oxygen on Argo" Group Established
- Roger Dargaville Joins the IOCCP Project Office
- Upcoming Ocean Carbon Sessions at AGU and EGU
- Ocean Carbon Community Invited to Advise ESA GlobColour Project
- SCAR-SCOR Southern Ocean Expert Group Report Available
November 2005:
Ocean Carbon Open House Presentations On-Line
- IOCCP holds its first Scientific Steering Group meeting
- International Repeat Hydrography Meeting Nov 14-16: an update
- GLODAP Results and Data Published
August 2005:
WHOI ocean carbon meeting provides information on future program structure
- Royal Society of London releases report on ocean acidification
- Global Carbon Project Climate Vulnerabilities Conference talks on-line
- New Terms of Reference approved for the IOCCP
May 2005:
IOCCP expands its mandate and establishes a Scientific Steering Group
- The "Ocean Carbon Directory" developed as part of new IOCCP mandate
- European Space Agency launches GlobCOLOUR Project
CARBO-OCEAN Holds Kick-Off Meeting in Bergen
- Changing "Ocean-Colour" ?: A Survey
- New MATLAB routine to calculate CO2 System Parameters
- Southeast Asia Regional Committee for START Call for Proposals
November 2004:
"Guide of Best Practices" Coming Soon / PICES WG 17 Meeting News
- First CarboOcean Mesocosm CO2 Perturbation Study Announced
- UNFCCC Requests Special Report on Ocean Observations for Climate
- IGOS Partners Carbon Theme Developing Implementation Plan
- "The Ocean Carbon Cycle and Climate" - A NATO ASI Publication
August 2004:
CARBOOCEAN Under Contract Negotiations - A Strong European Contribution to Worldwide Ocean Carbon Cycle Research
- North Pacific Regional Research Synthesis Group Approved as a GCP Project
- Ocean Observations Panel for Climate Endorses IOCCP for Ocean Carbon Coordination
- Research Priorities Report Published from The Ocean in a High CO2 World Symposium
- Update on the Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research Project
- Citation Protocol for Publicly Available Ocean Carbon Data Sets
- The Impacts of Climate Change on the Carbon Cycle in the North Pacific: an IOCCP Session at the PICES 13th Annual Meeting
May 2004:
CLIVAR / IOC Indian Ocean Panel Meeting Report
- Summary of the Ocean in a High CO2 World Symposium
- IGOS Integrated Global Carbon Observation Theme Finalized
- US Ocean Carbon and Climate Change Implementation Strategy Published
- GCOS 10 year implementation plan begins review period
Results from the Tsukuba Workshop on Ocean Surface pCO2 Data
- SOLAS and IMBER to Work Together on Ocean Carbon Implementation
- BEAGLE 2003 - An Expedition Around the Southern Hemisphere
- POGO - IOC - SCOR Capacity-Building Fellowships Need Hosts
- A Brief History of Ocean Carbon and its Links to the United Nations Global Observing Systems for Climate
November 2003:
Carbon and Tracer News from the CLIVAR Southern Ocean Panel Meeting
- CLIVAR Carbon Representatives Named
- A26.5 Line May Reoccupy 24N
- SOLAS Working Group 3 Holds First Meeting
- Methods Handbook Scheduled for Early 2004 Publication
- New Southern Ocean "OISO" Data Available
- New Software to Calculate CO2 Parameters for Mac and Unix
August 2003:
The IOCCP is launched at first workshop
- Ocean carbon experts to be added to CLIVAR Basin Panels
- IOC to facilitate permission process for research in territorial waters
- IOCCP investigates ways to create journal articles for data sets
- South China Sea regional carbon pilot project to be launched in November
- U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program develops ocean implementation plan