OceanObs'19 Community White Paper: A Surface Ocean CO2 Reference Network, SOCONET and Associated Marine Boundary Layer CO2 Measurements
IOCCP is contributing to the vision for surface CO2 observations in the next decade. You can read about the challenges and recommendations for the SOCONET network and the wider community in an OceanObs'19 Community White Paper led by Rik Wanninkhof, published in July 2019 in Frontiers in Marine Science. To access and download the article, follow the link: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2019.00400/full

Instructions on naming of surface water measurements on ships of opportunity (SOOP)
As another attempt to achieve uniformity in nomenclature amongst various ship-based observing efforts globally, attached please find a memo from the IOCCP Scientific Steering Group and the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) Ship Observations Team (SOT) Executive Panel providing guidance on appropriate naming of our our scientific activities on ships. In particular the underway pCO2 measurements.

Version 2019 of the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas released
We would like to inform you about the release of version 2019 of the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (previously known as version 7). The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) documents the increase in surface ocean CO2, a critical measure as the oceans are taking up one quarter of the global CO2 emissions from human activity. SOCAT version 2019 has 25.7 million quality-controlled surface ocean fCO2 (fugacity of CO2) observations from 1957 to 2019 for the global oceans and coastal seas. SOCAT is a community effort with more than 100 contributors worldwide.

Global Observing Network for Reference Surface Water pCO2 Observations Kick-off Meeting
On 11 February 2018, just prior to the Ocean Sciences Meeting in Portland, OR, USA, IOCCP and US NOAA held the kick-off meeting of the Surface Ocean CO2 Reference Observing Network (SOCONET). The meeting was attended by invited participants who represented the largest operators of surface water CO2 operations and/or activities relevant for network development. Establishment of the network responds to the need to provide the high-quality data to constrain global and regional air-sea CO2 fluxes on seasonal timescales, to determine trends and patterns in surface water CO2 levels, and to elucidate the factors influencing the patterns on daily to decadal time scales and to provide important element of an OA monitoring system.
IOCCP meetings, IOCCP-related meetings as well as events related to a wider scope in marine biogeochemistry. |